BLUESEED GROUP led by Chairwoman, Ms. Nguyen Hoang Que Nga, announced it’s 2 year plan to reorganize its business under Group Holding structure with the spin-off of three standalone companies:

Blueseed Digital, consisting of Blueseed Digital and BlueSummit businesses;

Blueseed Media, comprising Inspirato Media & Blueseed Digital Media business; and

Blueseed North, an independent branch of Blueseed Digital and Blueseed Media in Hanoi.

The separation will create three distinctive companies with unique business characteristics leading their respective industries in realizing AdTech, Martech, and Data products and services (Blueseed Digital Co.), full-stack digital agency services (Blueseed Media Co.), and digital agency serving North region clients (Blueseed North Co). The separation allows each business to significantly increase its focus and facilitate more agile decision-making and leaner cost structures. As such, both companies will be much better positioned to capitalize on their distinct market positions, priorities, and growth drivers to deliver sustainable profitable growth and enhanced shareholder value.

The Company is taking a bold step to unlock substantial value, creating more focused investment opportunities for shareholders and delivering additional benefits for customers, business partners, employees and the broader stakeholder community.

Based on a thorough review over almost five months, Blueseed Group’s management team and Board of Directors are confident that the intended separation into three standalone companies is the best path to enhance shareholder value. The separation will be processed be in two phases: operational and financial restructuring (2021) and legal restructuring (2022).

Ms. Nguyen Hoang Que Nga, Executive Chairwoman of Blueseed Group, said: “Over our more than 7-year history, Blueseed has const日本藤素 antly evolved by developing new products and services in-house and via acquisitions. Today’s announcement is no different. In order to enhance our competitive positioning each business now needs greater flexibility to address its own market opportunities and challenges. We are convinced that the business separation is attractive and compelling: it will unlock immense value by removing complexity, it enables the businesses to have much more focused management, facilitating agile decision making and the separation naturally enhances choices for shareholders. Our Board and management team firmly believe that this strategic reorganization is the right step for sustainable profitable growth of each business and the best path to create additional value for our stakeholders.”